He stands in the street day after day for years thinking it will make him good with girls, (You can get the same skill but get paid for it working in or in somewhere like magaluf). Then he goes home and reads material all night comes on here and says wow I got a phone number and thinks he is on his way to threesomes with models, cause some other delusional americans told him thats the way to do it. It's cool it goes against society like the rebel without a cause, just be alpha, look her in her eyes girls are that fucking dumb that that is all you need to get them to marry you.. And so it goes on till the guy thinks well I can get phone numbers this is it I should teach it and so he does, selling the delusion and so so on and on.
Now take the other guy who says you know what i can't get girls because I suck, and Im a pussy, and I have nothing going for me.
This guy really sits down and looks into how his life is going wrong, what his issues and problems are, he knows he's in for the long run, but he's building on real foundations so when he gets something built it will stay up.
He thinks Im a fat fuck and punny as shit so he diets does the hard work and hits the gym, and starts to look and feel good and strong.
He knows he's a pussy round guys because they intimidate him so he joins a boxing gym. He doesn't go once and think okay now I can box, he doesn't spar once and then tell everyone he is hot shit, he sticks with it gets good, hangs out with aggressive guys and learns to hold his own with them. Now every time someone crosses his line he puts them back in there place easily and naturally.
He thinks my job sucks. But rather than saying "hey" its cool to not care about material things and working for a living is so mid eighties i'm a cool free man bucking social norms, and every cool pick up guy does that for a job so I need to do that, he works hard at his job and learns the skills he needs to get the job he wants, so he can afford to feed and cloth his kids in the future, put them through school have nice things.
He realises he is not popular and has no friends that are cool, so rather than telling himself I am an island, I am so cool, people want to be near me they just don't know it, if I have alpha body language, I can talk to girls in the street so Im much better than every guy so I am above it all. He goes to a sports club and socialises with the people, he gets a local bar where he gets to know the people for who they really are, not games, no alpha nonsense people will see him for his good and bad and tell him his bad and good.
He gets a group of girls as friends that he hangs out with and dates a few really understanding how to be with women and going through the whole process, not just hey you look so cute wanna coffeee. But ups downs break ups get back togethers lies, cheats, magical moments. His numbers are lower but his actually cock in vag time is so much higher and he has female friends.
He realises he has no stories to tell has done nothing interesting so instead of telling DHV nonsense he read on the internet and posting picks of girls that don't know his name after 10secs on face book hoping it will become a self fulfilling prophecy.He gets out there travels, joins a survival course in scotland, does a Bodyguarding course, teaches skiing, teaches scuba diving, gets arrested in third world country, has his life flash before his eye,s more than once, salsa dances because he enjoys it, takes risks and gets the fuck out of his comfort zone.
He realises he has issues with women and life, so he does not pretend that he does not, acting alpha, and talking loudly hoping no one will notice, telling everyone he meets how many women he has banged and looks in the mirror every day telling himself how awesome he is.
He instead is honest with his close friends about how he feels and his weaknesses, he really looks inside to see what is going on then learns as much as he can about it and changes over time, he is honest to himself and accepts there are areas to work on and asks for help from therapists friends or strangers on an internet forum, and he in time finds peace with himself and women, maybe realising he is not going to date a supermodel but that is okay and he will still be just as happy with the 7 who he laughs with every day all day and knows he can rely on, a partner in life who makes him happy, and after all don't we all just want to be happy.
Finally see how well delusions work in a relationship, see how well delusions get you a job, money, health, holidays, travel, respect, will delusions put your kids through school, when the shit hits the fan can you NLP your way out of it, when you try to start a business, when you find yourself getting robbed in central america, when some guy breaks into your house at night, when your wife gets sick, when someone gets beaten up in the street and you know it is wrong, when you decide this is a girls I want to be with for a long time.
A more difficult road to follow granted so maybe it is not for you. So keep deluding yourself.
![]() Quote:
"cock in vag time"...............LOL